I'm stealing Tracie's name. One of her recent crochet projects was called the Dress that Never Ends. My AWHF Shawl will henceforth be known as the Shawl that Never Ends. It's a good name.
I am only 75% done. Wait. Let me rephrase. Hark, I have knitted 75% of the shawl. Gosh, that sounds better, doesn't it?
Every 4th row now requires 16 sead beads to be woven in. Thus, every 10 stitches, I have to stop and move one bead towards the top of the string and slip two stitches. I am grateful every time I finish a beaded row and can then knit 3 rows plain. As a bit of good news, it appears that I have enough beads strung onto the cone to last me till the end of this shawl.
Enough of me yammering, let's have that pic, shall we?
And without the light
I'll have to find another way to take a pic of it before I publish the pattern on it.
I love the color of your shawl, and can't wait to see the beads. Aren't they the hardest thing to photograph?!!
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog... I'm going to do my Pay It Forward project over the next 365 days, well actually my deadline is 12/31/2008!
I can imagine how lovely this shawl is with the beads. I admire you for taking it on. I will someday because I like the drapey look that beads give.....
How about a closeup of just one section so we can gaze upon those hard earned beads?
I can call most of my current projects, knitting or spinning the "projects that never end"!
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