Thursday, January 31, 2008

You Make My Day and other blogs

Mr. Puffy with the help of his owner nominated me for a You Make My Day award.

I'm thrilled to be given such an award (Thank you, Mr. Puffy!), despite my lolly gagging to announce it on my blog. I just didn't know who to pass the award onto. I read so many great blogs these days (59 if they all posted on the same day - thankfully, they don't). Can you tell I am in desperate need of updating my blog roll? So, with this award, I am going to shine a light on some of the new blogs I recently found and now love to read.

1. I don't think it's kosher to nominate the same blog that just nominated you, but I'm not great about following rules. So, I'm listing Mr. Puffy. It's true; I think Jake is the best dog in the world. Mr. Puffy and his love of tea, willingness to try on various knitted items and encouragement to buy the best yarn on the market puts him in at a close 2nd.

2. Nannybird. You are just in time to learn how she was bestowed with such a nickname. Funny stories aside - of which she has many - she is an avid crafter and knitter. I am always fascinated by what she is doing next. I stumbled across her blog when she was hosting a Recycled Craft Contest.

3. Yarn~Knit~Read~Lit. She started me reading again! I had been stuck on a diet of strictly knitting books. It was good to take a break and read some fiction books. Plus, she has two great dogs. You don't notice any trend in my blog reading, do you?

4. Yarn for Brains. Great title, isn't it? Just to prove her point, she lost a pair of knitted socks last week and sent up a cry for help. I'm not sure how much the cry helped, since we can't rightly go rooting through her house looking for the missing socks, but she found them all the same.

OK, that's enough of knitting blogs. Onto other blogs.

5. EtsyGreetings. I have to have at least one blog to help temper my insatiable desire for cards, cards and more cards! This blog features the many greeting card sellers which make up the EtsyGreetings Street Team. Right now, they are running a contest. I love contests!

6. Smitten Kitchen. I know. It's on my blog roll. But, I really love this blog. There are always pictures of yummy food and excellent recipes. I've even tried my hand at a few.

7. The rantings of a Mad Hatter wannabe. Glorious Hats turned me onto her. Now, true, I have no idea what she is making right now ... I'm a bit too shy to ask for fear it might be rude. But, I am enamored all the same. I love me some hats.

8. Sherri Crochets. Sherri crochets and knits. So, I could have put her up above with the strictly knitting blogs, but, well, this is my blog post and I'll put them in the order I want! =) From sock monkeys to knitted trolls to crocheted gnomes, she is always making something fun and cute.

9. Knitting Dragonflies. Sounds like another knitting blog, right? Well, right and wrong. She's a woman after my own heart. She loves to make quilts too.

10. Insert your blog name here. If I commented on your blog, it means I loved reading it. Thank you for making my day!

And speaking of blogs, I volunteered to be the author of a new blog, EtsyKnitters. It is the blog for the EtsyKnitters Street Team and Yahoo Group. I feel so alone in Pottstown some days without a yarn store to stop by at. This is my virtual knitting circle.

Knitting news: I finished my Log Cabin Block. I already have an idea for my final block, but I'm not going to share with you its name. I want it to be a surprise.


Claudia Bugh said...

You are most welcome - and Mr Puffy sincerely thanks you for acknowledging his contributions to the blog! He'll be impossible to live with now. I really enjoyed reading your summaries of each blog and then seing for myself why it is special. I see a swiss chard leek quiche in my future.

Nan said...

Oh Sweet Marie! What a thrill it is to receive this award! Thank you so much! You make my day too ya know?

I read a lot of blogs as well and I don't seem to find time to comment every time I stop by, but after getting your nice comment, I intended to come sit and visit for a few minutes with my Imaginary Friends [that would be the blog world friends!!] and leave comments on posts to people I have neglected.

So to see the announcement and to be honored to receive this is so special to me. I had seen this award on another blog and I kind of went against blog award ethics [if there is such a thing!] and I sent it on to a couple of my "pretend friends" secretly hoping someone would eventually hit me with it and bless you, you did! Thanks so much hon, I do appreciate it. Hugs cyber bud! Nan

Sherri Crochets & Crafts said...

Thanks for mentioning me / nominating me. How sweet! Your Jake is so cute!


knittingdragonflies said...

Wow! Thanks for mentioning me, and as always your support. Keep on blogging. You are a big sweetie!

Cristina de Prada - milliner said...

Marie!! So nice of you!! I only saw this today... Thanks! I love it to know I'm not alone in the world talking to myself, which I'm not because I've made such wonderful friends thanks to my blog.
Thanks again for the kind words!
I love to see your projects and I'm sooo jealous because I cannot knit at all!

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.